APDSE Mission Statement
The Association of Professional Disabled Service Employees ("APDSE") is the first Independent Non-AFL-CIO affiliated Labor Union to organize the front-line workers providing specialized professional services tailored to meet the unique needs of the many cross-sections of Persons with Disabilities ("PWD's) in the area exclusively by PWD's for the benefit of PWD's in West Los Angeles. The APDSE and the Office and Professional Employees International Union Local # 3 ("OPEIU") are the only (2) two Labor Union's to successfully WIN A CONTRACT (Collective Bargaining Agreement) that substantially improves the terms and conditions of the workers employed at Disability Community Resource Center ("DCRC") located in West Los Angeles and the Independent Living Resource Center, San Francisco ("ILRCSF") of the twenty-nine Independent Living Center located in California
The First Labor Organization in the USA for PWD
The Association of Professional Disabled Service Employees is the first labor organization and labor union formed in the United States. The only other ILC to be organized in California is the Independent Living Resource Center of San Francisco. It was organized in 2006 by the OPEIU Local 3.
We are fully compliant with the standards as enforced by the U.S. Justice Department. The standards are with respect to Title II of the ADA, pertaining to the accessibility standards promulgated in incorporating the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG2.0). They were developed by the Web Accessibility Initiative through the World Wide Web Contortion, which set the standards for the internet internationally.
The four principles required pursuant to the WCAB2.0
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Our Labor and Disability Specializations
Association of Professional Disabled Service Employees created a collective bargaining agreement.
If you're tired of getting the short end of the stick from your employer or you're looking to start your own union, or have questions about disability rights and compliance, or if you would like to communicate about an issue with us, then don’t hold yourself back.
We can address your issues.